Companies have several options for finding potential leads. In many ways, the internet has made this endeavor much easier. On the web, a business has access to the largest possible pool of leads. However, the internet has also created new challenges for lead generation. In this modern age, how do companies generate leads to contact? Let’s take a look.
Today, most of us are connected to the internet 24/7. Our smartphones, tablets, laptops, and even our watches are all portals to a seemingly infinite domain of clients, customers, and business partners. Therefore, a large percentage of lead generation is now done online. But how does online lead generation work?
When looking to find a lead online, businesses have multiple options. First, they can buy a generated list of leads from an external vendor. The quality of these lists varies depending on the skill and reputability of said curator. Aside from list buying, a business can also focus more on marketing. From strengthening its brand to engaging more on social media sites, businesses can make themselves more present and appealing online. One other major method for online lead generation is investing in search engine optimization (SEO). Through relevant blog content, focus on keywords, and linking to other pages, a business can increase its rank on search engines so more leads will find it.
Every business should participate in online lead generation, but not at the expense of old-fashioned offline generation. Telephone calls, snail mail, event participation or sponsorship, physical advertising, and in-person networking all come under this umbrella. While some of these lead generation strategies are arguably more effective than others, they can all contribute to finding leads, especially when employed in tandem with online strategies.
Aside from online and offline leads, there is another distinction between types of lead generation: inbound and outbound.
Companies get leads via inbound marketing by pulling customers or clients in. The main conceit of inbound marketing is to grab the potential lead’s attention and suck them in like a vacuum. This approach can be quite subtle, incentivizing another business or customer to seek your services or make contact. A business can do so in several ways and it usually takes place online. Good use of social media plays a big role in inbound marketing, as does competent SEO. Email can also be a part of inbound marketing, so long as the content itself isn’t aggressively pushing a sale. Instead, a business should send regular emails that feel personalized and somewhat passive to keep the brand alive inside the potential client’s head.
Conversely, generating leads via outbound marketing involves a more direct and assertive approach. In this scenario, the business initiates contact, either through phone, email, social media message, or direct advertisement. Some say outbound tactics are obsolete in today’s online world, but these strategies can still be effective, especially after a potential lead is already in play. For instance, if a lead reaches out to a business thanks to inbound marketing, a business can retain contact via further outbound marketing. Just as online and offline generation should be used in sync, so should inbound and outbound.
No matter which types of lead generation are used, companies must always keep in mind the importance of human interaction. Just because a lead is secured doesn’t mean the interaction ends there. Any quality lead generator understands that a business must cultivate relationships with business partners, clients, and customers. These relationships are more valuable than any fly-by-night lead that comes along. Knowing this, ProScout Lead Generation focuses on establishing and maintaining great relationships for your business. Contact us at our Chattanooga or Nashville, TN offices here to learn more!